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Noise policy

Learn more about how noise concerns are being factored into government policy.

In Australia, all remotely piloted aircraft and drones must abide by the Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 2018 (the Noise Regulations).

Getting a drone noise approval

Drone operators must apply for an approval under the Noise Regulations.

Most drone operators will likely be exempt or be granted an automated approval. Drone operators undertaking complex or large operations may need to undergo a more detailed assessment before obtaining an approval from the department.

Noise standards

Internationally, there are currently no mandated noise aviation standards for emerging aviation technologies, such as drones. Australia has implemented a flexible, risk-based approach to managing drone noise.

Drone noise regulations

The Noise Regulations were amended on 14 December 2021 to introduce a new regulatory framework to better manage noise from drones.

The framework provides a targeted, risk-based approach to managing noise disruptions caused by drones to the community.

It was informed by a review conducted by the department in 2019 and subsequent Regulation Impact Statement.

Noise Framework for emerging aviation technologies

The Australian Government is also developing a longer-term outcomes-based Noise Framework for emerging aviation technologies.

The framework will include:

  • Consistent processes for measuring the noise output of new emerging aviation technologies
  • Modelling of noise impacts at ground level, through Uncrewed Traffic Management and related technologies
  • Regulations based on the noise impact at ground level
  • A defined number of agreed standard noise threshold settings, developed in consultation with state, territory and local governments 
  • Consideration of noise impacts associated with drones and electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles at take-off and landing sites as part of the Infrastructure Planning Framework.

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Emerging aviation technology policies
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Noise approval


Figure of Noise regulation review
Noise approval

Noise regulation review

Figure of Noise
Noise approval


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Emerging aviation technology policies
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Noise approval


Figure of Noise regulation review
Noise approval

Noise regulation review

Figure of Noise
Noise approval


Contact us

If you have any questions about applying for noise approval, please email If you have any feedback, concerns or complaints about drones, please use the link below.