30 Sep 2022
Research and development, Community, Flying Drones
You may find the answers in our frequently asked questions. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, submit your feedback via the Have your say webform below.
If you are concerned about your safety, or believe that illegal activity is taking place, or the behaviour may be breaking laws around harassment or trespass, please contact your local police.
The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts manages drone policy development, including commercial drone noise under the Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 2018. Commercial operators must apply to the department for a noise approval.
General noise complaints are difficult to respond to. The operator has to be identifiable, which is often not easy to do. If the person is operating their drone for recreational purposes, they are not subject to the Air Navigation (Aircraft Noise) Regulations 2018 and the department is unable to act against the operator.
It is expected that recreational drone operators follow the Civil Aviation Safety Authority’s safety rules and to minimise noise concerns.
Use the Have your say form to provide noise feedback on commercial drone operators.
If you are concerned about intrusion of privacy or trespassing, your own safety or the safety of others (including criminal behaviour), contact your local police.
The Office for the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) provides advice for those concerned with neighbours using drone cameras.
Drone use may also be subject to a range of Commonwealth, State and Territory laws to manage privacy concerns. Such laws differ across jurisdictions and may not specifically mention drones.
Further advice can be found in the Drone Privacy Guidelines.
The Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) is a portfolio agency of the department and regulates Australian aviation safety, including drones.
If you think a drone operation (recreational or commercial) may have broken safety rules, please report directly to Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA) at Drone complaints | Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
Safety breaches can only be investigated where there is sufficient evidence, such as photos or video recordings of the breach and the person controlling the drone at the time. Any evidence you can capture at the time of the incident will help support the investigation process.
If you are concerned about your safety, or believe that the behaviour of a drone operator may be breaking laws around harassment or trespass, contact your local police.
Use this form to provide any feedback, comments or non-safety complaints relating to drones.