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Find out about noise regulation and who to contact about excessive drone noise.

The Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts is responsible for regulating drone noise. As part of this process, many commercial drone operators require a noise approval.

Community feedback plays an important role in how noise is regulated, as does the continuous development of improved drone technologies.

Drone noise

Drone noise is often characterised by a distinct pitch emitted during operation. This contributes to the overall noise profile which is different to other noises we are used to hearing in the community. The noise emitted from drones during take-off and landing for delivery services in Australia is not substantially different from what is commonly experienced in commercial and light industrial areas (Safe Work Australia, 2020) such as:

  • Normal conversations (60db)
  • Loud conversation (70dB)
  • Kerbside heavy traffic (80dB)

Provide your feedback

If you have noise concerns about drones operating in your area, it is best to get in touch with the drone operator in the first instance if they are easily identified from the drone’s appearance.

A commercial drone operator must not operate a drone near people unless they fall under an exemption or have been granted an approval under the Noise Regulations.

If you are unsure or unable to identify the operator and would like to make a complaint or give feedback, please contact us.

If your concern relates to the unsafe operation of drones, you should report your concern to the Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

Further information on the safety rules that apply to all drone users can be found on CASA's website.

Emerging technologies and evolving regulation

The Australian Government is developing an outcomes-based Noise Framework for emerging aviation technologies. This approach will provide flexibility to achieve the right outcomes as the technologies further develop and improve.

The framework will encompass noise measurement, consideration of ground level noise impacts, and threshold settings to be developed through consultation.

See Noise Policy for further information.

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Drones in the community
Figure of Privacy
Noise approval


Figure of Noise regulation review
Noise approval

Noise regulation review

Figure of Noise policy
Noise approval

Noise policy

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Drones in the community
Figure of Privacy
Noise approval


Figure of Noise regulation review
Noise approval

Noise regulation review

Figure of Noise policy
Noise approval

Noise policy