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Construction industry

The construction industry is already using drones for a range of different applications and uptake is set to increase as the technology improves.

Drone use in the construction industry has proven efficiencies and economic benefits, with expected savings from $1.8 to $4.3 billion between 2020 to 2040 over the low to high uptake scenarios (Deloitte Access Economics, 2020).

Drone use in construction

In the construction industry, drones allow operators to carry out surveying and inspections, map and deliver accurate measurements. Project managers and designers can save time and reduce risk by using drone maps and 3D models of job sites. Other benefits include keeping construction projects on track with shareable maps, comparing building inventory management models, inspecting job sites for safety, or measuring stockpiles. Ultimately, drones and software can improve communications and make construction more efficient and safer.

Cost savings for the construction industry under the low uptake scenario are estimated at $130 million in 2040, increasing to around $310 million under the high uptake scenario. Additional non-market benefits also include occupational health and safety benefits through improved site safety (Deloitte Access Economics, 2020, p. 45).